Massive, Open, Online Course 

Online Course: Writing and Researching the Political Economy of Inequality

Writing and Researching the Political Economy of Inequality is a free online course that seeks to deepen your engagement with a range of debates on global and domestic inequalities, which present the key challenges of our time.

The course is ideal for postgraduate students and early career researchers with some grounding in (International) Political Economy and/or related disciplines. It will help to develop both conceptual and practical research skills and build confidence and familiarity in a range of data collection methods.

The course begins with a definitional unit which asks you to think about the different ways in which inequalities are defined and measured. It then precedes to outline an analytical framework that can help to draw together research on different forms of inequality in different temporal, spatial and social contexts. The course then moves through several units which help you to understand the research process; starting with setting effective research questions, moving through the location of research in existing knowledge and then progressing to a variety of data collection techniques. The course culminates with support and guidance on how to make the most of communicating research findings to a variety of audiences, ranging from other researchers interested in your topic, to policymakers and practitioners, and a wider interested public.

As you progress through the course, you will be able to use the materials to support the development of you own research project on the political economy of inequalities. Self-guided tasks and assessments allow you to check your progress and gain confidence in the progression of your research. The aim is to support both postgraduate students and early career researchers to develop their own capacity for research and their academic and research careers.

This course is free and open to everyone.  More details about this course is available here: Online Course Details  

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